BottleDrop Fundraiser
Support the BCS PTA by recycling your cans, bottles, and plastic beverage containers through BottleDrop! This statewide program allows non-profit organizations to collect the 10-cent beverage container refunds that are earned when used containers are returned. Participating in BottleDrop is EASY!
- BCS families can request up to 5 bags at a time here. (You must be logged in to submit the form, see note below.) Teachers, staff, family, and friends who don't have a login should email bottledrop@beverlyclearyschool.org to request bags.
- Follow instructions on the bag. Fill bags with empty cans, bottles, and plastic containers eligible for a 10-cent deposit in the state of Oregon.
- Return your bags to any BottleDrop location: Hollywood Target, Fred Meyer, New Seasons, Whole Foods and more. Scan the BCS label on the bag and then deposit in the bin. The scanner can be tricky; try moving the label away from the reader and making sure the red light shines on the label. You do not need a BottleDrop account or card to drop off blue fundraising bags.
- Deposit values will automatically be routed to our PTA. That's $7-8 per bag! THANK YOU for your support!!
For additional information, please contact us at bottledrop@beverlyclearyschool.org.

Our Goal: $7500
Follow our progress! Can you help us meet our goal for 2024-2025 of $7500?
Current Total: $3601
(as of 12/31/2024)
Please note you will need to login to the parent portal (this website) to submit the bag request. If you have not logged in before, you should use the email address where you receive school communications. If signing up for the first time this year (or ever) you will be asked to update your family information and check your privacy settings for the directory. Once you do this once, it will be set for the year and you can use this to login to access our school directory as well as to sign up to volunteer for other school events.