Upcoming Events


Beverly Cleary School Garden

If you love to dig in the dirt, or enjoy the process of nurturing plants, or even find stress relief in pulling weeds....please join us for monthly volunteer-led work parties!

About our group

The BCS garden team is a volunteer group focused on supporting the school garden. We work with school administrators, teachers, the community, and Grow Portland. Grow Portland is a BCS partner providing garden-based education for grades K-4. Our goal is to maintain a beautiful space that excites students and encourages learning.

When do we meet?

We usually meet in the garden 1-2 times each month to tackle larger projects and maintain the site. Garden work parties are led by a volunteer from our garden team and no special skills are required. No background check required. All ages are welcome. Sign ups are not required, but encouraged so the lead can plan activities accordingly.

 Next work party - Oct 14th, 2023, sign up here

If you can't make a work party date but still want to help out, weeding and watering can be done while the kids play on the playground or if you're hanging out waiting for sports practice to end. Reach out to the Garden Coordinator for more information.

What do we need help with?

Currently we are in the process of improving the garden so students, teachers, and Grow Portland can continue to enjoy this outdoor space for educational programming during the 2023-2024 school year. If you are handy and wouldn't mind pitching in, we are currently looking for specialized skills to help with:

  • Building 2 gates to enclose the garden (updated October 2, 2023)
    Based on feedback from educators, it's important that garden time is focused. Having a physical boundary separates the space from the playground which can be a distraction  This also prompts a pause moment to entering the garden

  • Fencing Repair  (updated October 2, 2023)
    Now that that new shed is in place, we need to replace the section of fence that was taken out and set 1 or 2 posts.

Interested in volunteering during your child's garden class?

Grow Portland welcomes volunteers to help out during monthly class times (1-2 volunteers per class). Typically classes are held on Thursdays. Here's how to sign up:

  1. Complete a PPS volunteer background check
  2. Check the BCS garden class schedule 
  3. Contact your child's teacher to sign up
  4. Meet Kelsi, the BCS garden educator, just outside your child's classroom 5 minutes in advance of their garden class time (see schedule)

If you have questions or are interested in helping out, please contact Janwyn Toy-Blazer.