Upcoming Events


Raise the Roof Capital Campaign

Help the BCS PTA make a lasting impact on our campus by raising the funds to support an undercover area. We have been brainstorming with Principal Presley and the district to work towards the build of an undercover area on the west side of BCS to provide all year round protection from the elements for all grades.

The photo is an example of what we might achieve.

Ways you can help us reach our goal are as follows:


Make a direct donation to the Raise the Roof Capital Campaign: 



We are looking for a few eager volunteers who are passionate about bringing this goal to fruition. It will require assembling a small subcommittee to work with Principal Presley, the district and the PTA to manage this likely multi year campaign which may include future fundraising events. Please reach out to PTA President Marie Westom (president@beverlyclearyschool.org) or Fundraising Chair Laura Schwab (fundraising@beverlyclearyschool.org) if interested.

Attend Future Fundraisers

Our fundraiser on February 6th at The People's Courts was a great success. Stay tuned for future fundraisers!