Upcoming Events


Ice Cream Social

September 7, 2023
5:30 - 7:00pm 

Are you a new parent looking to meet others in the community? Do you want to reconnect with folks you haven't seen over the summer? Join your fellow BCS families at our annual Ice Cream Social, at the playground behind Fernwood at NE 33rd and Hancock.  The PTA will be serving chocolate and vanilla ice cream along with dairy free vanilla ice cream. Toppings will be fudge sauce, sprinkles, and whip cream!

For those with sensory processing challenges or who have a hard time waiting in line, we will have otter pops available at a separate table with a pink balloon.

Just a heads up for parents there is usually a big turn out for this event so expect lots of families, lots of noise and lots of sticky faces!

Families are encouraged to bring outdoor games, bubbles and chalk for entertainment. Kindergarteners will get the first scoop, followed by all the older kids.


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