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Beverly Cleary School Foundation

The Beverly Cleary School Foundation is a nonprofit, volunteer-run organization of parents, teachers, and community members committed to improving education by funding enrichment beyond the Portland Public Schools district’s annual staffing allocation. Beverly Cleary School Foundation funds directly reach over 500 school families by allowing for reduced class sizes and lower student-teacher ratios, providing teaching assistants, and encouraging higher achievement across all grades from kindergarten through eighth grade. Foundation funds also positively impact the most vulnerable students in the PPS district, as a portion of all funds raised are distributed to high-need schools though the district equity fund.

We are so grateful to our BCS Community for your support and donations to our local school foundation and beyond.

Last school year (2020-21), with the help of our BCS Community, our Foundation raised over $26,000. From this total, $5,368 will support the PPS Parent Equity Fund, $1,085 will support the PPS COVID-19 Relief Fund, and the remainder will stay at BCS to hire an Educational Assistant to help support our students and teachers.

The BCS Foundation is looking for parent volunteers to lead our local school foundation and events for this coming school year.

Please contact Kecia Classen at bcsfoundation@beverlyclearyschool.org to learn more.

How does the BCS Foundation typically work?

After the first $10,000 raised, one-third of all local school foundation proceeds are donated to the PPS Parent-Equity Fund, a central fund managed by PPS that grants this money to high-need schools through a criteria set by the district.

The Fund for PPS is using two combined criteria to determine eligibility for an award: To be eligible for a grant a school or program must enroll 1) at least 40% of students identified as historically underserved and 2) at least 15% of students eligible for free meals by direct certification. In past years, grant recipients have used this money to support educational assistance, office staff, enrichment, student and family engagement, racial affinity groups, and more.

  • Proceeds generated during the current school year must be applied toward the next school year (e.g., funds raised this year will be applied in the 2022-23 school year)
  • A portion of our proceeds are distributed to other schools in need as part of the PPS Parent Equity Fund (a central fund)
  • Proceeds that stay with the local school can only be used to pay for a teaching/educational assistant position(s), and cannot be used for operational supplies like technology and services

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions, comments, ideas at bcsfoundation@beverlyclearyschool.org.


Does all the money go to BCS?

No. The first $10,000 raised is set aside for BCS, then expenses are deducted. Per Portland Public School Board policy, 30 percent of the remainder is given to the district’s Equity Fund and redistributed to high need schools using a data-driven formula. The remaining 2/3 is turned over to BCS on July 1 for use in the same calendar school year.

Who decides how the BCS portion will be spent?

The principal decides how best to apply Foundation funds with goals of maintaining reduced class sizes, educational support and enrichment for all BCS students. Decisions are based on benefiting as many students as possible.

Over the 2020-21 school year, the BCS community raised over $26,000 through direct cash donations to the BCS Foundation. This money will be used for the PPS Parent-Equity Fund, the PPS Covid-19 Relief Fund, and to hire an Educational Assistant for our school.

Are contributions to the Foundation tax-deductible?

Yes! The only exceptions are tickets to the Auction and the fair market value of goods purchased at the Auction. All contributions to the Fall and Spring Campaigns are fully tax deductible. And, all of your contributions of goods and services to the Auction are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Who sends tax receipts and operates online contributions?

Beginning in Fall 2019, the Fund for Portland Public Schools has replaced All Hands Raised and will serve as the umbrella nonprofit for all local school foundations, including the BCS Foundation. Learn more here: The Fund for Portland Public Schools

Tell me more about the Equity fund. How are dollars used?

Over 40 schools within PPS have foundations and contribute to the Equity Fund which is distributed to high need schools based on a data-driven formula. In 2018-2019, local school foundations raised over $1.2 million for the Equity Fund which was distributed across higher need schools in our district and covered expenses for staff, technology, training, student services and more. To learn more visit www.fundforpps.org.

The BCS Foundation needs volunteers to run this program! Email us at bcsfoundation@beverlyclearyschool.org.

What’s the difference between the PTA and Foundation?

Please click here.

Thank you!